Our House in the woods did have neither a nice nor a practical kitchen. We have looked at the misery for eleven years, now was the time to do something about it. We planned to use our three weeks of holiday on the projeckt, which was extremely naive. We did not know what was under everything. The roof and the floor need new panelling. But the walls were quite different; under the ugly wallboards from the sixties, there were nice, yellow panelling. Some of it were not quite that nice, but beneath that was a wonderful timber wall. And between these two layers; newspapers from 1918. We hope that we will finish the kitchen during the atumn.
onsdag 27. juli 2011
Arkeologiske utgravninger i veggen
Huset i skogen har hatt et trist og upraktisk kjøkken. Etter 11 år fant vi ut at nå, nå må vi virkelig gjøre noe. Tre uker satte vi av til prosjektet, som selvfølgelig var utrolig naivt, rett ut overoptimistisk. Vi visste jo ikke om hva som var under alt. De huntonittdekte veggene hadde hyggelige overraskelser å by på. Under hvit og trasig huntonitt, fant vi lysegult panel. Den ene veggen er nå frisket bitte lite opp. På to av veggene var panelet veldig stygt, så vi fjernet det. Der fant vi aviser fra 1918 som ekstra isolasjon, både fra Stjørdalen og Sverige forøvrig. Og under: nydelige tømmervegger. Mye gjenstår, forhåpentligvis får vi det ferdig i løpet av høsten. Avdekning av gulv og tak var ikke like gunstig, her må vi legge nytt.
Our House in the woods did have neither a nice nor a practical kitchen. We have looked at the misery for eleven years, now was the time to do something about it. We planned to use our three weeks of holiday on the projeckt, which was extremely naive. We did not know what was under everything. The roof and the floor need new panelling. But the walls were quite different; under the ugly wallboards from the sixties, there were nice, yellow panelling. Some of it were not quite that nice, but beneath that was a wonderful timber wall. And between these two layers; newspapers from 1918. We hope that we will finish the kitchen during the atumn.
Our House in the woods did have neither a nice nor a practical kitchen. We have looked at the misery for eleven years, now was the time to do something about it. We planned to use our three weeks of holiday on the projeckt, which was extremely naive. We did not know what was under everything. The roof and the floor need new panelling. But the walls were quite different; under the ugly wallboards from the sixties, there were nice, yellow panelling. Some of it were not quite that nice, but beneath that was a wonderful timber wall. And between these two layers; newspapers from 1918. We hope that we will finish the kitchen during the atumn.
tirsdag 26. juli 2011
Til og med naturen...
Det lille kameraet er alltid med i veska. Veien er den samme, og aldri lik. Lyset endrer seg hele tiden, været, årstidene. I dag var det yr, og havreåkren, som enda er grønn, var full av tårer. Det var geitramsen og en spireaen også.
My small pocket camera is always in my bag when I am walking to my work. It is half an hour from home to my office. The road is alway the same, and always different. The light is changing, the weather, the seasons. To day the rain was drizzling, and the oat field, which still is grean, is full of tears.
My small pocket camera is always in my bag when I am walking to my work. It is half an hour from home to my office. The road is alway the same, and always different. The light is changing, the weather, the seasons. To day the rain was drizzling, and the oat field, which still is grean, is full of tears.
mandag 25. juli 2011
Ugle på veggen
Jeg har hatt innlegg her i bloggen før om ugler. (Se her) De er så utrolig fasinerende fugler. Dekorative også, men jeg hadde aldri ventet å få huset dekorert på denne måten; Da vi kom til huset vårt i skogen for tre uker siden, så jeg noen merkelige flekker over inngangsdøra. Hva i all verden er dette? Hm, store møll tro? Så løftet jeg blikket en smule, det er ofte ikke så dumt det, å løfte blikket, og der! Ei ugle! Ganske stor også, og heldigvis hadde vi kameraet parat, til og med to kameraer. Jeg har ofte hørt ugla rundt omkring huset i skogen, men jeg hadde aldri sett en før. Og antakelig var den dårlig i magen, for den hadde sølt til hele veggen. Snakk om dekorative ugler!
I have posted about owls earlier. ( look here) It is really facinating birds, decorative even, but I have never forseen my house to be decorated by an owl; When we came to The house in the woods three weeks ago, I saw some strange dots above the door. What is this? Big moths? I lifted my eyes, it is often not so silly thing to do, and there; an owl! A big one too, and luckyly we had our cameras ready. I have often heard owls around the house in the woods, but I have never seen it before. It probably had a bad stomach day, because it had decorated the entire wall.
I have posted about owls earlier. ( look here) It is really facinating birds, decorative even, but I have never forseen my house to be decorated by an owl; When we came to The house in the woods three weeks ago, I saw some strange dots above the door. What is this? Big moths? I lifted my eyes, it is often not so silly thing to do, and there; an owl! A big one too, and luckyly we had our cameras ready. I have often heard owls around the house in the woods, but I have never seen it before. It probably had a bad stomach day, because it had decorated the entire wall.
søndag 24. juli 2011
Jeg ønsker meg vanlige hverdager igjen
I morgen begynner hverdagen igjen, ferien er slutt. Men det er en stund til vi er tilbake i den vanlige hverdagen. Det er ikke vanlig nå. Jeg kan ikke begynne å blogge igjen etter ferien og late som at bombeattentatet og massakren ikke har skjedd. Som biskop Byfuglien sa; vi kan ikke late som at dette ikke angår oss alle. Det gjør det. Fundamentalisme er den farligste -ismen vi har, uansett politisk retning eller religion, og det motsatte av idealisme som AUF-ungdommene stod for. Jeg har den dypeste medfølelse for de foreldre og søsken og andre pårørende som ikke får sine kjære igjen.
Back to work tomorrow, back to the ususal, everyday life. My vacation is finished. But it will be a while until our everydays will be back to normal, after the terrible massacre and bomb attack Norway has experienced this weekend. I agree with bishop Byfulglien who said: we cannot pretend that this is a matter that does not matter to everybody. And it matters, nobody are untouched. Fundamentalism is the most dangerous of every -isms, no matter political colour or religion. It is also the opposite of what these young idealists of AUF stood for. I am thinking of the parents and relatives that will never see their dears again, of their terrible losses
Back to work tomorrow, back to the ususal, everyday life. My vacation is finished. But it will be a while until our everydays will be back to normal, after the terrible massacre and bomb attack Norway has experienced this weekend. I agree with bishop Byfulglien who said: we cannot pretend that this is a matter that does not matter to everybody. And it matters, nobody are untouched. Fundamentalism is the most dangerous of every -isms, no matter political colour or religion. It is also the opposite of what these young idealists of AUF stood for. I am thinking of the parents and relatives that will never see their dears again, of their terrible losses
mandag 4. juli 2011
Hage på sjølstyr
Når katten er borte danser musene på bordet! Når gressklipperen står på låven, greier hagen seg helt selv. Vi har av ulike grunner ikke vært i huset i skogen siden påske, det har vært konfirmasjoner, bryllup og annen selskapelighet, og så har jeg vært syk og så har helgene gått. Jeg var derfor ganske spent på hagen. Den er jo i utgangspunktet relativt naturell, men blåbær og markjordbær. Noe er ment å være natureng, også inne i hagen, og resten har tatt seg til rette, kan man si. Nydelig å være tilbake. Skuldrene faller ned dit de skal.
When the cat is away, the mice are dancing on the table, says a norwegian prowerb. And when the lawnmover is in the shed, the garden is growing rather wild. For different reasons, we have not been at the house in the woods since easter. I was therefor a bit anxious for the garden. We keep it in a natural way, letting it grow as it wants. Some of the area is kept as meadows, but some are lawn. You could not tell! Grass everywhere, and even some blueberries. Take a look yourself:
When the cat is away, the mice are dancing on the table, says a norwegian prowerb. And when the lawnmover is in the shed, the garden is growing rather wild. For different reasons, we have not been at the house in the woods since easter. I was therefor a bit anxious for the garden. We keep it in a natural way, letting it grow as it wants. Some of the area is kept as meadows, but some are lawn. You could not tell! Grass everywhere, and even some blueberries. Take a look yourself:
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